The Breath of Yoga - Pranayama and Kriya with Gregor Maehle
Sat, 30 Nov
|Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Melbourne
Where and When
30 Nov 2019, 8:30 am – 08 Dec 2019, 4:30 pm
Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Melbourne, 110-112 Argyle St, Fitzroy VIC 3065, Australia
Learn how to use pranayama to harmonize the doshas (humors of the body) and thus attain a state of health and balance as well as how to still the mind, enabling spiritual insight. Additionally, you will learn how to liberate the breathing pattern, the use of breath waves, breath ratios, digital counting, contraindications and the therapeutic effects of all pranayama techniques.
The kriyas are predominantly methods of purification of the body. They support the work of postures and aid in removing contamination from chemical, environmental, electrical, electromagnetic and radioactive sources.
Gregor is the author of ‘Pranayama, The Breath of Yoga’.
“Once again, Gregor Maehle has provided an invaluable resource for yoga students. I’ve read a dozen books on pranayama and taken workshops, all to little benefit in my practice. With this book, the lights came on. As in his previous publications, Mr. Maehle combines his astonishing knowledge of yoga scripture with the most straightforward, most insightful, most eye-opening descriptions and explanations ranging from physiology and bio-mechanics to psychology and spirituality. As I reread this book and ponder it, I am continually astonished by the depth of insight it provides. I have come to believe that this will be the single most important book on yoga in the past century. This is a life-changing contribution, for which I am profoundly grateful. ” Paul M. Gahlinger, MD, PhD, MPH
This workshop is taught over two full weekends (approx. 32 hours). All prices in Australian Dollars.
9 & 9 September 2018
15 & 16 September 2018