‘The Transcendental Jewel’ – Yoga Meditation with Gregor Maehle
Sat, 25 Jan
|Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Melbourne
A step-by-step description of the meditation technique at the heart of yoga over 2 full weekends

Where and When
25 Jan 2020, 8:30 am – 02 Feb 2020, 4:30 pm
Ashtanga Yoga Centre of Melbourne, 110-112 Argyle St, Fitzroy VIC 3065, Australia
In this module Gregor gives a precise step-by-step description of the meditation technique at the heart of yoga but also puts it into context with all other yogic techniques and how they contribute to the break-through to spiritual freedom.
Yogic meditation derives its power from the fact that it systematically suspends the entire processing capacity of the subconscious mind and diverts it towards meditation. The processing power of the subconscious mind is a multiple of that of the conscious mind. Simply watching breath or watching awareness involves only your conscious mind. For quick and effective concentration the entire power of the subconscious mind has to be harnessed. This is the secret of yogic meditation.
Kundalini is the coiled life force. If left resting at the base of the spine we are enslaved by our urges and desires. If, however, it is lifted through the various energy centres (Chakras), we can express ourselves as a successful person, a fully integrated human being, a genius, or recognize the Divine within us, respectively. Once the higher Chakras are reached meditation (Dhyana) will occur effortlessly.
Gregor also introduces us to the Chakras and leads us through guided meditations aimed at raising Kundalini
This workshop is taught over two full weekends (approx. 32 hours). You can book a single weekend.